Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I've gathered some amazing health and awareness films on my dropbox.
You are welcome to watch them here:
I've had this programme of dropbox for a year , but just found out how to use it! hopefully...let me know...

Mother left this am for Europe for 2 months. Bitter sweet. Crowds gone.....But so is She.
Last night the beautiful last bhajans, and Arati with Amma, so sweet, I got teary..... She went to the pool at midnight inviting the renunciates, bramanchari's and bramancharinis. 
The women first then the men. Because I don't live in the temple, I didn't hear of this amazing opportunity.   : (    I think I'll give some temple resident sisters my phone number for future events.
I heard at breakfast how incredible it was to watch and play with Amma in the pool!!! 

I'm feeling good, trying to remember to drink several litres of water a day. We sweat so much in this heat.
Now cashiering at Ram's Bazaar (thrift shop) for 2.5 hrs. after breakie in addition to my 2 seva sessions. It's good. I sit, and have helpers So many peeps from Ram's went to tour. 
Still no time/energy to clean my flat or properly put away my things in the new cabinets....But I got my laundry done before it went bad this time. Yay!!
I've been having fresh fruit juices at 4pm chai time, and nice chats with friends. My psychic French friend Anugraha and I help each other out "looking" at issues and things. It's really helpful for us both. We share stones also.
Off to shower and bed.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

This old one goes before the Monday post...which was actually tues. here.

17th of Sept….I just found this on my computer, I thought I sent it some time ago! If it is a duplicate, please forgive me.
Test back from clinic , all normal, must be stress from the pension not being delivered, not having an address, will correct that… Broken tooth repaired in exchange for a session…my time for phone calls are not appropriate for N.America.. argh!  I'll have to stay up late to phone. 
iPhone is working .email is preferred, as seva, and most places are inappropriate to receive calls .

Hello Beloved ones,
Forgive the lack of contact, I’ve had none, nor energy to do it.
I could have gone to the internet cafe’s , but It takes me too long to type, and the addresses are on this computer, and they are old pc's which I don't know how to use..
Today I got my Mac laptop working.
The power is turned off , to conserve, every am from 9-11am, so I have to type quickly. Also need to eat breaky. Have “loose motion” so this is 3rd day , need to go to the clinic.
Upassana came to help me organize and lift down my stuff from shelves. She brought me pro biotics and electrolytes. I took a packet the day before in my water.
My surge protector blew a fuse when it was in use here, while I was in the west. (Must get a fuse.)
I remembered the mac has a built in step down electrical ability  : )  - I never really trusted that , as the power here is higher voltage. But is working!

Unpacking, I dropped the laptop on my bare foot and it bounced off my foot onto the tile floor. Bruising the foot, and the mac wouldn’t boot when I tried. Now I realize it was out of power.

I have felt so many of you concerned for me, as I’ve not been able to connect. Phone needs to be “unlocked” somewhere. I’ve tried in the village and in Kollom, when I went to register with the Dept. of Supervisor of Police (DSP) Friday. No one here knows how to "unlock" the iPhone Sunny gave me. They said there is a mac store in Kollom, but it wasn't there. 
While there I also went further down, to an amazing Ayruvedic “bone "dr. He was an old man, didn’t speak english. He held my feet as I lay on the wood massage table. He then pointed to all the places where I had problems with my spine. Right On! He had me do exercises, gave me oil, medicine and pills. which they said they’d write directions, and didn’t, or I lost them. He obviously does energy work as I felt way better. 
I went with an older man named Doug, who “needs a knee replacement”. This Dr. said he wouldn’t if he did this work. We had to pretend he was my husband, as they thought he was. We had a good time.I took him to a great fun restaurant. he had 1st a milkshake, then we shared spinach paneer, and spicy eggplant and rice, then he had a small pizza! Too funny.  He was sorry later....
He lent me money for the internet bill, when we stopped at the BSNL internet office.I apparently owed 1300 rupees!  I’m going to look into another company!

Please remember I am Amma’s daughter and she totally takes care of me. Everything that occurs is something that needs to happen. I am always taken care of! We also have a free hospital right here and a free specialist one in Cochin.
I have been very under the weather. Jet lag and lumbar back pain from the horrific flights. A lot was leftover from the stress from selling the house and giving away most of my possessions.
Everything in my room was packed away, and as I pulled stuff out, it was musty. So I had to hand wash clothes, towels, sheets, buckets on the floor, with an already sore back.
I later remembered we had a laundry service, but it was closed that day. So I took a bag of my best clothes to be done properly, and started bucket washing the rest. My flat was strung with lines. The balcony where I normally hang things is full of everyone else’s clothes on this floor. We have lines on the roof (18th floor), but that’s a long way up, in a busy season, and big squalls come through daily and things get blown away. I never have used the roof, as I’m not fond of heights.
It’s rainy season, but Amma is here!
Nice to be back, every where I go, people are welcoming me home, and...asking when will I begin my sessions.
When I arrived, there was a note on my door to call Sudakar in Delhi, with his number, so I called. He and his wife have become friends, since they came here to have sessions and meet Amma, a few years ago. They are coming for a visit in a few weeks. Although I am older, they treat me as their daughter. They are very kind and generous. 

Upassana came at 4:30 pm yesterday to help me as I was sick and needed help putting things away. I had no idea how much stuff I had, and I brought 2 more bags! I have 1 cabinet only! I have furniture on order since I purchased my flat in 2004, but  they lost the order.

I have no idea how I’m going to send this letter, as the eaddies are on this comp. and no internet connection. I daren’t attempt the village the the tummy prob. I’ll take the laptop to breakie and maybe Doug will let me use his net connection in his flat.

It’s time for breakie, and I haven’t washed or done my hair, got to run.
Remember, I am well,(except for the tummy stuff) and taken care of, and very loved, and Love you all.

Huge hugs, 

Ps Kalaya, 
AmritaVarshini a sweet indian girl, came to my door last night, wanting to connect with Mira from Cortes, she said you know her….can you give her A.V.'s e-addy?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Meditation day, before Amma's Birthday

Om Namah Shivaya, Monday Sept 25th
Hello from the Most amazing place on the planet….

 The rains seem to be over. In time for Mother's big birthday celebration, We're gearing up for it. Wednesday. Luckily it'll be across the backwaters at the Engineering College, where there is way more open space for the thousands of people attending from all over the world. After that, Amma goes to the European tour, so the ashram will be quiet until Dec. when we get another huge crowd. Biggest yet with the 12-12-12 stuff.

Today was puja's for a friend, I couldn't get up at 4am, for the 5am one, as I had some trouble sleeping, but went and picked up the small bananas and plastic bags of prasad, and went to the 10am Shiva puja. I forgot how incredible they are.
Then had fun going through the ashram offering people prasad. One was a wet rice pudding, the other was like brown sugar flakes and wheat puffs…

I got the most amazing acupuncture treatment today. !!!
I have a fear of needles, but wanted the sciatica gone, that has been plaguing me every Tuesday on Meditation day, when I sit too long in chairs (Mon. and Fri, at the beach with Amma). My "info connector" friend Vina, told me of a Japanese acupuncturist visitor here only doing 2 sessions.
 I ran up to the temple balcony and signed up for one spot. 
I went at 2pm today.I remembered him from before. I prayed as I lay there, to not let it hurt, and keep my fear of needles at bay. He put needles all over my body ,one at a time, feet to head. said, "auto accident" as he felt the base of my neck. I never felt a single needle!!! After, I went to bed for a while, and felt so much better.
OMG!!! He dealt with every problem I have!!! Head to toe! We'll wait for results. Amma constantly brings me what and who I need!

Then At the dining hall, I bumped into the Western woman Dr. who treated me the other day when I was dehydrated and had loose motion. 
We chatted, I told her about the short term memory loss that started when I was here last time. She asked me questions, and wrote out a RX
for complete blood work to check vitamin , mineral levels etc. Then we started talking about entities…somehow. She does Buddist clearing of them! 
It's so amazing how Amma always puts in front of me what I need! 

Mon. and Fri, at 4pm we have meditation at the beach with Amma.I went, obviously I was feeling better!
 Then I went to Bhajans for the 1st time in a long time. I've been too tired to stay up for them. 
Anyway, it was just what I needed, singing with Amma, love songs to God, and devotional rocking tunes. Better than any prescription. I got all teary.

Just back in my flat, I got a knock on my door, and a german client brought by the newest Hulda Clarke Zapper to use to finish off the parasites/critters I have in the intestinal tract, or where ever they are residing.
I'm so looking fwd to getting my energy back so I can put away my stuff in my new cabinets. My laundry was in the bucket of water for a week, it was so stinky, I had to dump it and start fresh. I had to add a bit of bleach to kill whatever was causing the smell. Ah life in the tropics. 
While I was laying in bed a lot these few days, I got to read the thick book by Sylvia Brown, the psychic, my neighbour lent me. It made me think of the books I have in me to write. I actually started writing in my head!

Rick, I'm sorry you lost your Familiar- cat. They are the most amazing creatures.So selflessly giving.  I'm happy to hear that Melody is so happy with my Vito cat, and vise-versa. Thanks for giving him such a good home.
Christel, you'll be glad to know the gauss meter shows no emf's anywhere in my flat, except when I get right up to my electrical outlet, where the light and fan switch is. The cell towers across the backwaters are father away than I remembered- luckily… they are not registering. : )
Love and hugs to everyone.
I'm finally off to bed . it's been a full day. 10pm, I haven't been up that late in weeks. I doubt I'll be up at 4am for archana….

Tuesday, am.
I remembered my blog! and better than trying to remember who to send the email to (ie, the peeps who most recently wrote me), I'll send/resend this address to everyone, if I can figure out how to do this.....

Meditation day, this day is in the big darshan hall, due to the crowds. Down below my building I can hear the bramincharini's rewashing the plates for our prasad lunch that Amma feeds us. I'm feeling so much better. I didn't realize, as usual, how I was till I start to get better with my energy.
I'm getting a lot of positive feedback from clients-and have a lot of new friends because of it. It's all word of mostly only French, Italian and Spanish visitors or past clients who know I'm offering this. Yet I'm fully booked each week. I don't know why they haven't posted my offerings. Whatever... I just surrender, everything is by Amma, and is perfect for what we all need.

Precious Ryler, my grandson...I know we had a date to Skype last week, and my computer wouldn't receive. I was there, ready, wondering why you weren't online. But it was my internet connection, not receiving!!! I again apologize, hugely. I Love you!! Give baby brother a kiss for me. My heart aches when I see your amazingly beautiful photos on Facebook. (This is why Amma doesn't want us on line. Attachments to the world, keeping us from our Spiritual journey to Oneness.)
Om Amriteshwaryai Namah