Monday, January 3, 2011

last of the backlog of letters- November back to August

30 Nov. 2010
I'll be back in 5(ish)mos!      really mixed feelings about that!
Synchronicities daily, as usual...
one amazing visitor, becomes friend, leaves, another arrives. Magic here....
I need something, someone comes and offers it!
I'm doing Iyengar yoga, and loving it!    I haven't done it since the kids were pre-school, where I learned it from a book!
 We have the most incredible instructors here! And when Amma is away, it's free for us renunciates!
So I bought yesterday, a "Iyengar Yoga with Gabriella" download dvd to keep it up between. My back loves it!

Amma is home in a few days!!!! Yay!!!! The residents are returning, visitors are coming. It's been a looooong monsoon!!! hasn't finished yet! Amma said it would be a wet one.

Breakie time, Hugs and kisses,

Om Namah Shivaya,   22 November 2010

We really miss Amma here, as she is on tour in Europe and in U.S. Home early Dec.
We got down to bare bones of people to do the necessary work here. I had too also do dishwashing in the kitchen, and volunteered to sort at recycling. PU!
People are starting to return from various places. 2 friends are coming from BC, and bringing me needed items. Like a TuneTalk recorder devise that hooks into my iPod and allows me to record sessions on it!!!! That is so amazing! I got it on Ebay for 18$ To take my mac laptop daily up to the hospital(where I now do my seva) is heavy, and risky, esp. with the heavy , at times, rain.

    I went to the dentist Dr.  Jijo Paul, in Cochin with Saswata. Got all my upper fillings replaced and teeth bleached. 100 $. He commented on my energy when he started working on me. He asked what I did. He's a Christian, I didn't know how deeply to respond. I told him briefly.
Jijo is a great dentist! Same age , or 2 yrs younger, than my son!  Saswata had to get more work done and I needed some rough edges smoothed so to support Saswata getting her major work done, we went again last Tues. She prev.had a root canal,and got a crown, replaced all fillings in front top and bottom, bonded the lower edges at gum line, and bleached, for 300 usd. He is  sweet and excellent! He was previously at Amma's AIMS hospital,and even was a consultant for Amma!
    The previous week when I was leaving, he said "I worked on you, next time you do your work on me" He had me do psychic readings on him while he worked on Saswata, and write down my findings. After, he took me upstairs to his conference room and asked me details,validated my findings, and was blown away at what I saw. He really is a bright light with a clear connection to source. Too funny, every day when Saswata went in, he'd say "where's Kalavati??? Get her a pad and pen!"
    He told us he charges westerners the same as locals, he knows we're giving a lot by being here. He took us to lunch then drove us to the YMCA motel/ camp on the river near his home. Got us a good rate, 5$ each/night, (mgr. is a client)We spent 2 nights there. Train cost (Sr. rate)50 cents! (22 rupees)about 2.5- 3 hrs trip.He even picked us up in the am on the way to the clinic!
    So all in all I did some viewing of him for 3 days , and he is an incredible bright light. Just needed grounding work and clearing info.He asked about clearing himself, when we were leaving. I'll email him some handouts I have.
    We did some shopping, they have an incredible, tall Building/mall, Oberon. We ate, had latte's I got a new excellent suitcase.

    I was a bit fluish the day after I got back, so cancelled the 2 clients and went to bed for 2 days. I'm nearly better now. I'm just so grateful it wasn't a cold. I prefer aches to a snotty nose!
A bit weak, and taking care of myself.

 I still do my sungazing. Not a lot of sun in the am for this, extended monsoon season.
My note turned story...
Love you, and send you wishes of grace, ease and health .
           29 Sept 2010
 I want to thank you in Mumbai for putting on the course. I'm sure it was a lot of work!
Although I took it before, 1.5 yrs ago in Seattle, with Doug Devito and a great team, I benefited enormously from this.

I intuited a few months ago that I really needed a direct download from Eric! Don't know why.

2 months ago a woman I had only briefly been introduced to, was sitting on a bench here at chai time. I sat on the other end of the bench and drank my tea.In a few moments she said "Oh here comes in Archangel Michael" , then proceeded to channel him. Saying "What you are doing is bringing light and Information onto this planet"..(I thought He missed "Energy"and discounted it, then said "you need a direct download from Eric Pearl."
I got the "truth Chills" running through me, which always tells me this was truth of a high order.

Another psychic acquaintance here, volunteered the day before I came, "that I didn't really believe in it". So ...Perhaps a belief system I was unaware of.

During the weekend, I was also able to have a demo with Eric and my subluxation in my neck was healed!

The re take was a huge shift for me, and I really own it now. I was able to even explain to a woman who hadn't taken it, but was waiting for a friend in the outer room, why you need no other modality with this new frequency/energy. That really showed me that I much more fully grasped it this time.(as much as one can grasp something of this nature).

Eric seemed miffed that the group was so small for his appearance, with his precious limited schedule. I was surprised when you told me that you didn't advertise, did you tell him that?

I was in such an energized state when I left that I failed to sign the email list. Could you please place me on it?

The entire weekend, and last night, back at the ashram as well, I was so energized that I was able to sleep little.It was also Mata Amritananda Mayi's birthday with thousands of people here, but most people were across the backwaters at our colleges. Hopefully I will catch up tonight.

Thanks again for all your work and effort!,

Love and blessings,
28 Sept, 2010
I'm just back late last night from Mumbai (Bombai)with ERIC PEARL!!!!! A new friend joined me. It was excellent. Renewed faith in the reconnective healings, Eric worked on me as a model. Neck was out, now fixed. Sleep deprived due to the energies.
Had a great hotel, cheap, balcony overlooking inland sea, sunrises, sungazed daily.

Got back to thousands of people for Amma's birthday. went to bed.
I love you!!!!!
Sept 11, 2010
The whole class now is running higher energy. We had our 1st day of actual healing yesterday. The healers were blowing away the healees! I had to explain the energy and ask them to turn it down and step back some distance. They were so blown out by someone just checking their grounding, I had to do repair work, and a gentle healing on 2 women and a man.

Everyone is now thrilled, & understands what I was talking about....and 7 more classes to go!! Yikes!!!
I'm concerned about connecting them to their healing masters, as that usually intensifies the energy!
The gang is buzzing. Folks are asking me when the course is offered again as their friends want to take it. The group also wants the clairvoyance programme. I don't that energy would be able to be brought in by me anymore with what we're doing at this level!!! I'll wait, teach this a couple more times and ask Amma about the next level.
I almost don't recognize myself anymore!

...In my class today, I started actual healing techniques, and found the class was now also running the higher frequency. They were blowing away their healees! Now they believe me about the level I'm running. They left class in laa laa land and stunned, and teary grateful.

Love you,
 2 Sept, 2010,     As you may know I'm teaching a month long intensive here now. 2 -6 week courses together in 16 days.
Residents are stopping me as I go by and they are saying, I have friends taking your course, and they all say how nice you are and great the course is. Good feedback, as I was feeling that I'm not able to plan the class, but I think that's all part of it. It's being taught through me!
Yesterday's Class 3 was so powerful. ...I was running so much energy Monday, that my fingers were glowing electric silver blue off the middle, to 2" out beyond. (to me that's source energy) It was so distracting, as I was using my hands to emphasize , and it was hard to keep my focus on what I was saying , and paying attention to the students. I've never channelled so much energy through for a class before. I actually asked the students if they could see it as it was so strong. No one could...
I asked in my meditation that night, what was up. I got Amma,& 3 Archangels, Uriel, Raphael and Michael  were healing and raising the vibration of the class, and me.
Now I understand what Amma said, when I asked Her if I could teach a healing course here. She said "You can Try". Also my nurse friend who wanted to take the class, also asked Amma later if she could take the same answer! Hummmmm.  Everything is so much stronger here energetically, and the planet is energetically raising.(Is it happening to you guys?)
When the class was feeling each others auras, they had difficulty with the volume and intensity of energy coming from the senders.
I'm getting the Ashram is a higher dimension.

I keep remembering Kripalou saying in my reading that panchakarma would blow my channels wide open. I'm certainly   clearer...
Hummm, stay tuned.

I've got to get my blog happening!I set it up on 2 sites, then forgot the password ! Blogspot , & wordpress was ammaskalavati@....Thanks Sheri for the idea!

Tomorrow is Krishna Jaiante, His birthday celebration, I have a new (to me) traditional Kerala sari, unbleached cotton, with narrow woven purple w/ gold trim, to wear. I dyed my white choli (blouse)and undershirt beige, with black tea so it will match. Big celebration, Pujas', cow worship, parade, (some men} and most children & women dress up as gopi's..young Krishna devotees, or young krishnas. One man, grows his white beard all year then shaves it, and dresses in a colourful sari, the whole make up bit. it's quite funny.

The internet system is down... so I guess you won't get this for some time...

Love and blessings,

29 August, 2010
Hi Precious friend,(friends)
So busy doing 2 - 6 week courses in 16 days! Intensive!!! that's what they call it. Between Onam, and the day before my trip to Mumbai (Bombay) for Eric Pearl's workshop, and return on Mother's birthday.
Doing it here , at Amritapuri is considered Amma's body,and  with Amma's Grace it's amazing.
I just channel this incredible energy the whole time. I used to get high teaching before, but in the presence of the Holy Mother, it's life altering! Everyone (21 students, 5 of which are men!) are sooo thrilled, I get stopped in the hall by different people and they say "my friend is taking your course, I hear it's wonderful I want to take it next time!!". We raised 168,000 rupees ($3800) for the ashram charities! I luckily limited the class to 20, or I would have had a larger class...
Today is day 2, I'm bringing crystals to do a grid chair so everyone can sit in it for half the class, through the course, and experience that energy.
We have a one - lane dirt, village road between The Seaside Ayruvedic Building and the rest of the ashram. When the busses and lorries go by I have to pause. So today I get a mike. Thats good, as I had a sore throat after class yesterday. I worked on it , and took grapefruit seed extract, oil of oregano and tumeric caps. and it was gone this am. Thank the Goddess!
Have to try to find thick paper for name tags.
Eat breakie, and get going.

Blessings, & Love to you,
                        26 August 2010
Hi Precious friends,
My double growth period has just lifted. All about Surrender know everything here is, at it's base, Amma and her teaching.

I'm in the middle of planning/beginning my first class here. My psychic Meditation course and Psychic Healing class together in a 25 day intensive! Starts in 2 days! Yikes! Amma really set me up! I have to update my notes and make it appropriate for here.
2 weeks ago , I had a friend come up to me and say I saw your face in my meditation and then I got you were going to be teaching, in a big way. Same week 4-5 people came to me asking if I would teach a healing course. So...I asked Amma. She said " You can try"
The ashram is really big in intensives now while so many visitors are here.
The office is blown away at the response they are getting. I've done so many sessions here, many people know of my work. I've limited it to 20 people. Luckily there is a yoga intensive already started so many who want it are already committed. This will allow me to do it and then another shortly after.
Gotta run, the lights are going off , it's bhajan time, Amma is giving darshan. It's Onam here, big 10 day kerala holiday.

I'm flying to Mumbai at the end of the course to take reconnective healing again, from founder Eric Pearl. I got" I need a direct download from him"....

 24 August 2010
I've been through a huge growth period, I just have to keep surrendering to Amma, knowing everything here is from Her..we can't do healing sessions in our flat, I have to use the 3rd floor hospital physio room, with half wall thin partitions. My clients are dealing with incest, rape, abortions, etc, very confidential, and little privacy. Also some folks cant climb the stairs!
I was also told that what I do here for seva, I can't do for a living when I go back to Canada for the year!!! It's all I've done for years!   I'll have to ask Amma before I go home.
I'm starting a course combining the Psy. meditation and healing classes, to be completed in 1 month! I'm getting a lot signing up.
I'm flying to Mumbai next month to re take the reconnective healing course. The founder Eric Pearl will be here to teach it! .I got that I need a direct download of the energy from him! Hotels there are expensive! Almost $100/night for a very inexpensive place! I hope I can get someone to share with me!!! I've never paid that much in Canada!
But... The growth period is lifting... and I still love being here.
Love you,

Om Namah Shivaya, 25 August 2010

I didn't think of Onam being just local. India is so vast, of course there would be different customs and holidays. Onam was fun. The elephants are always entertaining, especially with Amma hand feeding them. They really listen the her , and mind her. She even had Lakshmi kiss Ram with their trunks! Then they blew tons of water over everyone.
Local poor village families, and people who travelled some distance, all wearing their best. Everyone got served prasad lunch by Amma. That evening was an eclectic array of entertainment. So many talented devotees!
No photos taken, but several brahmacharinis commented on my sari looking so nice. I usually just wear a half sari.

My course begins tomorrow. I love teaching. I channel so much energy, I get so high with this. Unfortunately, due to the timings of venue available, I am not able to continue the healing sessions during the month course.
I just surrender it all. I'm really learning to surrender through this past month. Amma is always changing things, keeping us on our toes.
Love and blessings to you

            23 August 2010
Happy Onam,
I bought a new cotton sari for Onam. I watched youtube to learn pleating tips!
perhaps I'll get someone to take my photo, I also cut my hair shorter....major renunciate.
The Energy Healing course I'm (me and Amma) teaching begins is a few days.

Big programme today with Amma, the elephants, etc. Many people here.a feast.
Love and Blessings

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